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Four cents story
Author£ºdai guanzhong Release£º2018Year4Month9Day Times of browsing: 245

The morning sun filtered through the glass, pushing its gentle tentacles into the office. Each department has already entered the working condition, everybody is busy in respective post.

Administrative department of wang, holding a screen is a screen of mobile phone, rushed to the financial department. Today, the administration department will finish the WeChat certification process of the company. The screenshot of the phone, which is the authentication information sent by tencent company, requires the company's public account to be paid to the account designated by tencent company, which is a necessary process. The amount of money is not much, 0.04 yuan, that is four cents. Xiao wang did not even think about it. He went to the finance department directly and said to sun, the finance director: "the process has reached the last link. We need to use the public account to pay four cents to tencent. Sun took a closer look at wang's screenshot: "ah, four cents? It is to walk pair of public account, that you want to write a use money application, walk a process." Xiao wang was puzzled for a while, then understood, and said with a smile: "it is my negligence. Do it now!

A four cent charge, in the minds of most people, is not worth the trouble. It is estimated that in wang's subconscious, if you do not need to use the public account to pay to the other party, you can directly pay, as soon as possible to complete the WeChat certification process, to do a good job. A reminder from chief financial officer sun immediately made xiao wang understand that this is not a matter of pennies, this is the company's rules and procedures!

The development of a company depends on the strong ability of business department to grab orders, and on the perfect process and tacit cooperation of service department. Like a good car, a good engine is necessary, and so are braking, steering and warning. The engine with excellent performance enables the vehicle to cut through the difficulties and move forward. The matching and lubrication of various parts can also make the whole vehicle show perfect smoothness and comfort. The rules of operation between the parts are carried out in an orderly manner, and there will be no mutual constraints and invalid losses.

Rules are rules by which all things run. Four cents is a trifling sum indeed, and no one will be particular about it. But four cents embodies the inner rules and order of a good company. It seems impossible for the company not to grow when everyone is drawn into the blood of rules and order.

We want to praise the four-cent spirit!

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