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Build enterprise team spirit to enhance enterprise
Author£ºdaiguanzhong Release£º2018Year5Month28Day Times of browsing: 670

The cohesion of an enterprise comes from the team spirit of the enterprise. Team spirit is a belief, a value and a code of conduct. It reflects the cohesion and centripetal force of an enterprise. It is the charm and core competitiveness of an enterprise. In a fierce market economy competition, the enterprise must be able to develop healthily and well, the team spirit which makes the enterprise cohesive force produces is crucial to our influence, only carries forward the team spirit to be able to make our enterprise development has the foothold place.

What is "team spirit"? Team spirit is the spirit that team members work hard for the common goal under the command and leadership of the leader, and it is the concentrated embodiment of the overall situation awareness and cooperation spirit. In today's society, enterprise division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, and what each individual can achieve is only a small part of the overall goal of the enterprise. The exertion of team strength has become a necessary condition for the enterprise to win the competition. Therefore, carrying forward team spirit is of great significance for the development of the enterprise. The secrets of the team spirit is that it can inspire the team members in the osmosis of the dedication and sense of responsibility, working for the team into a powerful energy, so that the whole team to YiGuJin, formed a unity, unity is strength, co-ordinated team, rather than a single person in a fight, but the whole company as a whole, in tune in at home and abroad, has highly team cooperation ability, thus in the process of implementation company service tenet to achieve outstanding results.

How to build a "team" enterprise, I think we should do the following:        

First, an enterprise with good team spirit should have excellent leadership. The quality of the commander largely determines the strength of the team's fighting capacity. Good leadership is often the extraordinary leadership and power, leadership and charisma is an invisible force, can be virtually arouse everybody's enthusiasm and initiative, encourage everyone to work zeal for enterprise, regardless of personal gain and loss, the business interests in the first place, this is the fundamental element of team spirit. Excellent leaders generally have advanced vision and entrepreneur extraordinary strength, good at listening, dare to assume, have strong coordination ability and decisive decision-making ability, easy to obtain the recognition and trust of employees, so as to form a kind of centripetal force and cohesive force in the team, so that the team advantages can be brought into play.

Second, establish common team goals. The common goal is the navigator of the enterprise team spirit building, so that each team member can know what they should do, so that each team member can work together to achieve the common goal. Target formulation to be feasible, of course, an impossible goal not only let staff work passion, even hit the enthusiasm of employees, our company when setting goals, clear employee salary in three years to achieve the same industry leading level in this region, the goal is very stimulation and realizability.

 Thirdly, establish an effective communication mechanism. Communication is the foundation of cooperation. Without sufficient communication, it is difficult for members to reach tacit understanding and form consensus, resulting in emotional cracks between each other, which makes team members unable to cooperate and affects the development of the enterprise. It can be seen that communication is the lubricant of team cooperation. A good team should form an effective communication mechanism and unimpeded channel, provide a good information exchange platform for employees, enable team members to establish mutual trust and help in communication, and make team members' views consistent in communication, values consistent and finally act consistent. Of course, communication should not only stay on the surface, but also pay attention to in-depth, and the scope of communication should permeate into every aspect of the enterprise, not only internal, but also external. The 21st century is an information-based society, as long as there is a link communication is not smooth, may cause the result of a poor outcome.

Fourth, appropriate incentives. Proper motivation is a good medicine to prevent the negative attitude of employees from negatively affecting their work and life. To motivate employees, managers should first understand the needs of employees. Maslow's hierarchy of needs put forward five levels, from low to high, which are the needs of survival, security, belonging, self-esteem and self-realization, and there should be different incentives for employees at different levels. The enterprise should try its best to satisfy all reasonable wishes of employees, avoid negative work and life attitudes of employees, and follow the principle of "make the best use of all talents" to make the most appropriate arrangements for everyone. In pay attention to material rewards at the same time should pay attention to spirit award, in the heart of employees pay is not only a certain number of money, he represents the identity, status, personal ability to the size of the high and low, achievement, so timely give employees a certain reward, for sure they pay is very necessary, these are conducive to inspire team members' work and creativity, is conducive to the development of enterprises.

   There are several levels of incentive mechanism, positive and negative; Having substance and spirit; Long term, short term. At present, the company has established a set of effective and flexible incentive mechanism, and obtained good incentive effect. Such as annual performance awards, monthly performance awards, practical training, tourism incentives and so on.

Fifth, introduce benign competition mechanism. Competition can stimulate one person's boundless wisdom, encourage team members to exert their individual potential to the maximum extent, and form complementary advantages with other members, which greatly enhance the strength of the team. Competition, especially the "catfish effect" of competition, can give a group new vitality and creativity. But competition and cooperation are inseparable, competition requires cooperation, and cooperation promotes competition. In a harmonious team, members love each other, benefit each other, facilitate the exchange of information needed by the competition itself, the dissemination of knowledge and experience, and learn from each other. As one famous person said: you have one idea, I have one idea, we exchange with each other, we each have two ideas. Then, through cooperation, the team will have more ideas, and the strength of the team will be greatly enhanced.

Of course, we should also prevent vicious competition within the team, which will lead to waste of resources, mutual exclusion among employees and other adverse consequences, thus losing the significance of the team.

In addition, establish effective rules and regulations. Without rules and regulations, a strong enterprise and an excellent and efficient team must have a complete and successful set of rules and regulations to restrain the behavior of each team member and protect the interests of each team member, so as to make the team members develop towards unity and competitiveness.

In short, the company strengthens the team spirit construction, makes the best use of the talents and talents, forms the strong cohesive force, then strengthens the enterprise's core competitiveness, urges the enterprise to develop and expand unceasingly.

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