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Anhui Weijia passed the first selection of¡° Crafts
Author£ºdaiguanzhong Release£º2018Year9Month26Day Times of browsing: 1022

On July 13, 2018, we learned from the 2018 China Shanghai energy-saving and new energy automobile industry expo that Anhui Weijia automobile parts co., LTD. passed the preliminary selection of craftsmanship successfully after the strict selection committee of the column selection committee because the enterprise business philosophy theme conforms to the craftsman spirit advocated by the state.

The program "craftsmanship" is a large TV documentary program. Based on CCTV in countries such as the media platform, the column in the form of documentary real exploration, through the lens to record who have advocated and carry forward the "spirit" of the enterprise in China, about the innovation behind the guests visited by traditional craft craftsman and inheriting the spirit of originality, by Zhang Tengyue, zhi-feng Chen, LiZhongMin, Wang Xiaolei and amraphel Wang Yixuan, yan Yilin, CCTV host hosting a line.

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